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Santa Clarita School Food Services Agency  had a great school lunch program, but the number of kids participating was in decline. They reached out to Flannel for help understanding why, and learn how to better serve students and families.


What's in a name?


The agency's acronym, 'SCVSFSA,' was clunky, and a 20,000 household survey revealed no one knew what it was. The name and letters didn't speak to their mission or programs.

We initiated a full rebrand, including a new name. Standoff-ish and confusing 'Santa Clarita School Food Services Agency' became the clear, friendly, and community-oriented 'School Day Cafe.'

a new, clean
landing PAGE

School Day Cafe's budget didn't allow for a whole new website, but waiting wasn't really an option, either. We designed a user-friendly homepage with easy-to-spot buttons and calls to action for the top three information sections that householders needed most often.


in a word, delicious

We produced a suite of print and digital materials for School Day Cafe to support their new name and look, including a brand book, letterhead, business cards, facility and vehicle signage, social media platforms and digital newsletters. Print is still alive and well in schools, so an attractive, consistent monthly menu goes home with students each month, with a digital version available too.


Survey says...

We started our work by conducting a survey of households in School Day Cafe's service area. By asking the right questions, we were able to identify barriers to engaging in School Day Cafe's service.

Based on the survey results, a lot changed:

No more fees when adding money to student accounts

Helpful, friendly messaging in English and Spanish

Bigger emphasis on School Day Cafe's non-profit status

Dependable, consistent engagement on social media (provided by Flannel)

Direct outreach to hero healthy menu options (provided by Flannel)

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